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How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets

A smart paint job can do wonders to spruce up outdated painting company in Los Angeles, CA, and the beauty of it is that you can do it yourself over the weekend with minimal skills required. Plus, we’ve got useful tips to help guide you throughout the entire process.

Remove Doors and Hardware

Pull out the drawers; remove the doors as well as the hardware including knobs, pulls, latches, screws etc. Store the smaller objects inside a plastic bag and place everything inside one of the house painters Los Angeles, CA so you know where to find it when you’re done. Just be sure to mark each door and drawer with a number so that you can place it back in the exact same cabinet that you found it in.

Clean Surfaces

Some of the cabinet surfaces that you’ll be repainting might have splatters, steam or grease residue from prior kitchen messes. That’s why you have to clean them thoroughly with a solution that’s made up of ¼ trisodium phosphate and four parts of water. It’s important to only rinse the cabinets and not wash them so that they can dry quickly.


Once the cabinets are completely dry, sand them down from the inside out using a wood sanding block to avoid the edges from accidentally becoming rounded. The sanding part is done not to remove old paint, but to coarsen the old surface so that it’s easier for the new paint to adhere when you brush it on. Rub down persistent finishes using fine steel wool and denatured alcohol if the sanding doesn’t work. This should get them coarse enough for a new paint.

If you come across spots with flaky paint, sand them down until you get to the bare wood and then spot prime them with a stain-killing sealer/ primer so that the paint adheres well when it comes time for repainting. Also, try to blend the bare wood areas with the ones with old paint residue so that the new paint lays on smooth. Clean away the sanding dust with a vacuum cleaner, making sure to remove all the dust hidden in the crevices, and then wipe the surfaces thoroughly using a tack cloth.  

Apply Primer-Sealer

Spread a primer/sealer across all the surfaces you’ll be working on as a base for your paint, especially if you’re working with a water-based or semi-gloss paint. Both options are durable and ideal for a high traffic area such as kitchen painters Los Angeles, CA.

Apply the Paint

Now comes the fun part! First, you paint the inner edges as well as the openings, and then the side exteriors. Then come the drawer fronts, cabinet doors and any moldings and separate pieces. Just make sure to paint in between the crevices and corners as well, especially in places where there are routed or raised edges.

Another good tip is to always apply paint in light layers because this way the brushstrokes won’t stand out as much. Try not to have lots of brushstrokes, as that may create unsightly bumps as well. Lastly, leave a four hour waiting period between coats to make sure that the paint is totally dry and won’t interfere with the next coat.

Slightly sand the surfaces again and wipe them with tack cloth before applying each coat. Three coats are usually enough if you’re using good quality paint, and will provide enough protection against daily use and cooking heat to last for several years.