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DIY | How to Repair Carpet

When you initially see the damage on your carpet cleaning Glendale AZ it might seem impossible to fix, regardless of whether it’s caused by beverage staining, dried-on food stains or burning.

Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how you can DIY repair your carpet completely in just a few simple steps:

Find a Remnant Piece

If you can, find remnants of the carpet that were left over after it was put in, as they will help you fix the damage smoothly with little to no evidence left thereafter. Should you not find any leftover carpet cleaning Glendale CA pieces, then you can cut out a small piece from the back of a cabinet or another hidden spot.

Trim the Repair Piece

Make a circular outline of the remnant piece using an empty container and a sharp utility knife, and be sure to carefully cut it along the nap side only.

Mark the Nap’s Direction

Next, you need to determine the direction of the carpet’s nap using an arrow-marked tape that you will place across the nap section of the carpet remnant. Then you’ll have to determine the direction of the nap area in relation to the damaged spot using a differently marked tape, making sure that you get accurate measurements so that you can seamlessly replace the damaged area with the clean remnant piece.

Outline the Damaged Area

Take the container that you used to cut out the remnant piece and press it down on the damaged area so that you can make a perfectly visible outline.

Remove the Damaged Area

Using a sharp utility knife, cut out the damaged carpet by following the impression made by the container. Make sure you cut this section out accurately and if possible, make it slightly smaller than the replacement piece but make sure that the hole left behind is good enough to securely fit the replacement remnant without sticking out.

Insert the Carpet Tape

To prevent the replacement carpet cleaning Glendale from coming back up again, you’ll want to attach some carpet tape, and you can use either double sided or single sided tape for this job. Peel back the covering on the tape to reveal the adhesive area, and then start placing the cutout piece into the hole you made earlier when removing the damaged area. Smooth the remnant piece carefully so that it fits securely to cover the open area and be careful when handling the tape, as it can be very sticky and difficult to work with when rushed. So take your time and press the edges of the remnant piece patiently.

Trim Longer Fibers

Use a pair of fabric scissors to trim out any fibers that might be sticking out, causing an uneven look.

Press the Repair in Place

Place a weighty item like a stack of books or a large heavy-set vase on top of the repaired area for a few days to fully integrate it into the carpet, so that by the time you remove it, it looks completely invisible, and is a part of the carpet.