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How can I Boost Wheatgrass for Cats?

Wheatgrass has earned its name one of health-food enthusiasts as a strong, vitamin-packed superfood that works nicely for juicing. And their appeal is not limited to people. Turns out that cats love wheatgrass too. Although providing them access to the healthy treat may increase the chance they’ll urp it on your clean floor, its health advantages might only produce the mess worthwhile.

Pet Salad

Cats have enjoyed the advantages of new lawn (and also the occasional houseplant) for years, but lately, pet owners inspired from the health benefits of wheatgrass have started to bring it indoors, where they grow it on shelves or counters. Choices vary from pre-grown trays of wheatgrass that pet owners only maintain to little, grow-at-home kits and only planting wheat berries in a sprouting tray. Some companies even promote special “nonpuking” formulas for owners that are getting tired of dealing with the aftermath of wheatgrass-eating felines.

Location, Location, Location

Growing wheatgrass indoors is easy, as long as you’ve got a dimly lit room or pantry in which you may store the wheatgrass whenever it is sprouting and a sunny windowsill on which you may set your tray once grasses have taken root and photosynthesizing grass blades have started to grow. Make sure room temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce odds of mold and maintain grass flourishing.

Growing at Home

All you want to grow wheatgrass for cats is really a source of wheat berries, potting soil, a planting tray and a watering can. Place potting soil in the base of the planting tray and then spread presoaked wheat berries (soaked three times for eight hours each session) over the top of the soil. Place in a dark corner at room temperature, and water once or twice a day only sufficient to keep soil moist until seeds root. Water sparingly at soil level till grass blades are a inch or so tall, which takes approximately three to four days. Pull them out of this darkness and place them in a spot with bright light.

Benefits of Wheatgrass

Though some folks may roll their eyes when they think of cats needing or even enjoying “salad,” there’s ample evidence that cats love green stuff. Grass helps cats dislodge hairballs, which explains why you can often catch them chewing on it in the lawn. In addition, it makes their coats smoother and may reduce bad breath, at least according to the companies that tout it. Along with chlorophyll and antioxidants, wheatgrass includes enzymes, minerals, amino acids and vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Because cats are true carnivores, however, some doubt exists among veterinarians as to if they actually require the nutrients or benefit from the hairball-dislodging effect, notes that the New York Times.

It is Ready!

Seven or eight days following planting you may give the wheatgrass to your cat. Place it within an out-of-the manner area where the cat will detect that, perhaps near its food dish, and permit the feline to chew it as far as it likes. Continue to water the grass to keep it fresh and green. After a time, the grass blades will turn brown and start to die back, where you should take it away from your cat and start the process over again.

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