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How to ascertain How Much Topsoil to Spread on New Yard

There are numerous factors to consider when buying topsoil for your new lawn, like its texture, composition, friability and, needless to say, the sum required for the own plot of land. The University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension suggests gauging the amount you need by figuring that covering 1,000 square feet of land to a depth of 4 inches requires about 12 cubic yards of topsoil. Although this case functions as an apt estimate, you can ascertain how much topsoil to propagate on a new lawn by converting cubic feet to cubic yards.

Insert the tape measure’s metal hook, referred to as a tang, in a corner of this plot to measure its width. Have a helper hold the tang in the ground while you pull the tape across the width of the plot.

Press the thumb lock of this measuring tape and record the width, in feet. If the width calculates the period of the measuring tape, insert a timber stake in the ground at the point the tape ends and continue until you measure the width of the yard and also record it.

Insert the tang in the corner of this plot to measure its length. Again, have a helper hold the tang while you pull the tape down the length of the plot. If necessary, add a wood stake in the ground at the point the tape ends and continue measuring till you arrive at the duration of the plot. Record the length, in feet.

Multiply the distance of the plot times its width to reach the region in square feet. For instance, if the plot measures 100 feet by 100 feet, then the area amounts to 10,000 square feet.

Divide the depth of the topsoil in inches by 12. For example, if you need 4 inches of topsoil, divide it by 12 to get the quotient: 0.33. The University of Rhode Island recommends installing 4 to 6 inches of topsoil after establishing a new lawn from sod, and Pennsylvania State University suggests installing 4 to 6 inches of topsoil when establishing a new lawn from sod or seed.

Multiply the square footage of the lawn by the depth of topsoil to reach the quantity of topsoil in square feet. Utilizing the above figures as an example, the calculation appears as follows: 10,000 x 0.33 = 3,300 cubic feet of topsoil.

Divide the cubic feet of this plot by 27, as 27 feet comprise 1 cubic yard. Using the aforementioned example, the calculation appears as follows: 3,300/27 = 122.22. Round the quotient to the nearest whole number — in this example, 122 cubic yards. Consequently, you need 122 cubic yards of topsoil to cover 10,000 square feet to a depth of 4 inches.

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