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How to Plant Hanging Strawberries

Strawberries are perennials that grow sweet, juicy berries on low-growing plants. There are four unique varieties of strawberries: June-bearing, day-neutral, alpine and ever-bearing. Day-neutral and alpine varieties produce small plants and much less runners than other varieties, so that they are well-adapted to hanging. Strawberries suspended above the ground are far more immune to attacks from deer, slugs, snails, chipmunks and other animals than ground-level plants. Strawberries need full sun and loamy dirt, and they grow well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3a to 10b.

Hanging Containers and Baskets

Plant strawberries in late spring or early summer, when there is not any risk of frost. Fill a plastic tub with loam-based container and compost gardening mix. Stir in water until the soil mix is moist.

Pour the ground to approximately 1/2 inch away from the rim in a 12-inch coir or peat moss-lined hanging basket. Dig three to five holes, making them the same depth as the crown to the root ball. Space the holes 6 to 8 inches apart.

Trim the roots of the strawberry plants if they’re longer than 8 inches. Place the plant in a hole, then fan out the origins. Cover the roots with soil, making sure to measure the dirt with the crown of this plant.

Water the plants deeply. Place the basket in colour for a few days, then transfer it to a permanent location where it’ll get six to 10 hours of direct sunlight every day. Water deeply with approximately 1 inch of water each week.

Grow Bags

Fill a plastic tub with loam-based container and compost gardening mix. Stir in water until the soil mix is moist. Pour the dirt into the grow bag gradually to ensure it disperses evenly.

Trim the roots of the strawberry plants if they are longer than 8 inches. Cut a cross-shaped hole the size of the root ball in the top of the grow bag. Tuck the plants into the hole so the crown is set above the surrounding plastic and compost, then fold the plastic back down.

Plant roughly six strawberry plants per grow bag. Hang the grow bag in which it could get six to 10 hours of direct sunlight every day. Irrigate the plants gradually to be sure the water is absorbed completely.

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