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The Way to Boost a Turnip on a Windowsill

Turnips are vegetables that can be grown for their edible or greens roots. These cool-season crops are generally planted outdoors during spring or early fall. If your Bay Area home lacks the area for a vegetable garden, you can grow them inside, on a windowsill. Turnips inside can be an enjoyable hobby, it can help save you money, and you won’t have to worry about diseases or poor soil conditions.

Pick a container. Use a container or use a knife to create holes along the face of the container approximately 1/2 inch.

Line the bottom of the container using a 1-inch layer of gravel. The gravel retains the potting mixture and helps to enhance drainage.

Fill the container using a well-drained potting mixture.

Plant the turnip seeds from the container. So there area for them sow the seeds and at least 4 inches. Prevent overcrowding the container, since this interferes with the development of the roots.

Water the turnips with cool water once a day. Prevent using water that is warm, since the root development may slow down. Aim to keep the potting mix moist — not moist.

Place the container. Lift the container from the surface together with wooden blocks, if the holes are in the bottom of the container. Put a tray below the container to catch the water and also to prevent damage. Instead, use commercial raised or dangling containers.

Fertilize the turnips. Wait for the seeds to germinate. When the crops are at least 4 inches tall, use the fertilizer according to the packing instructions.

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