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The Way to Get Rid of Water Marks on Leather Chairs

Leather chairs add and living rooms and a warm, sophisticated look, tempting you to curl up with a drink and a novel. Most leather chairs are coated using a stain-resistant, protective coating, however a spilled drink or a glass left on the arm can result in an unsightly water mark.The best defense against water marks on leather chairs is catching spills as soon as they happen, but even in the event that you don’t, then you are still able to get rid of the telltale stains.

Blot new marks using a soft cloth. Alternatively, roll a piece of white bread up and use it.

Vacuum the chair with an upholstery attachment to remove any dirt particles that can scratch on the surface while cleaning.

Dampen a cloth with water. Rub it in a circular motion from the center of the water mark outward till you can’t understand the mark.

Permit the leather to dry. Repeat Step 3, In the event the water mark remains visible and permit the leather to dry .

A few drops linseed oil to a white cloth or of leather conditioner. Rub the oil and let it sit overnight.

Buff the area with a white cloth the morning to renew the finish of the leather and shine.

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